Our students, staff and parents are proud of Moonee Ponds Primary School. If you and your children would like to become part of our vibrant learning community please contact the school.

Please check out the school Enrolment Policy for details. You can obtain an Enrolment Form from the school office or click on this link.


Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones.

Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.

Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.

For more information, you can:


The Department of Education (DE) has released a statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline.

The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school, including Moonee Ponds Primary School.

The new timeline will apply for children starting Foundation (Prep) in 2024 and beyond. All government primary schools will follow the new timeline in 2024 to support Foundation (Prep) enrolments for the 2025 school year.

You can find information and resources about the new timeline, including factsheets, at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep). You can also download the ‘Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Information Pack for Parents/Carers for the 2025 school year’ from the Starting School webpage (available from 15 April 2025).

You will be able to apply to enrol your child in Foundation (Prep) 2025 at Moonee Ponds Primary School from 25 April 2024.

What you need to do:

  • Register online or contact our school to book a school tour and to learn more about our school and the enrolment application process.
  • Download the Foundation (Prep) enrolment information pack from Enrolling in Foundation (Prep) (available from 15 April 2024)
  • Submit an enrolment application for Foundation (Prep) by Friday 26 July 2024
  • You will be notified of the outcome of your application by Friday 9 August 2024. If you receive an offer of placement, you should contact our school to accept the offer by Friday 23 August 2024
  • Take part in enrolment information and transition sessions during Term 4, 2024
  • Your child will start Foundation (Prep) in February 2025.

Enrolment applications submitted after 26 July 2024 will be processed by our school as they are received, in accordance with the department’s Placement Policy.

Residential Address Check

Schools may ask for additional information, such as copies of rental agreements or unconditional contracts of sale, to confirm your address.

Your child’s address is where they permanently reside at the time of seeking enrolment. If your child lives at multiple addresses, their permanent residence is the address at which they spend most of their weekdays.

To support a school’s request, you may be asked to complete a 100-point residential address check. Documents should show the same parent/carer name and address as recorded on the application form.

If unsure what you need to provide, ask your school or refer to the residential address check.

Enrolment applications may not be successful if information is not provided or found not to be genuine.


School Tours will begin in term 2, 2024.

Register online here or contact our school to book a school tour.

Please contact the school office (03 9375 2511) if you have any queries.


Once you have chosen to enrol at Moonee Ponds Primary School and you have received your letter of offer and accepted. You will be invited to attend our Foundation Familiarisation & Transition program.

We take great pride in the way in which our students make the transition from Kindergarten to their Foundation year, we aim to make it as enjoyable, smooth and positive as possible.

We offer an extensive familiarisation program that commences in Term 4 and continues through until formal Foundation Transition in November. We have found that by developing a strong relationship between our school, the new Foundation children and their parents as soon as possible, we can better plan programs to suit the specific needs of the children.

Our program also helps to make our new students and their families feel part of our Moonee Ponds Primary School community.

Please note: Students must be enrolled to attend the familiarisation and transition sessions.

Here is a book some of our foundation students and their year 6 buddies created for pre-school students to help them understand more about starting school. MPPS Starting School buddies book